Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Durham Rescue Mission Summer Program - July 25th, 2011

A friend of mine at church asked me if I wanted to help her lead a program for the kids that would provide some Summer activities for the children (who were out of school for the Summer) who live at the Durham Rescue Mission (a local womens shelter) while their parents are working/doing their recovery program. We ended up doing a few different themed activity days including water play, a couple outings to Build a Bear, Chuck E. Cheese and craft day, which is pictured here below. The photo above is of a volunteer reading a bible story about Jonah and the whale to the children on that same craft day.
We made sun visors. We had a few tables of different craft activities that all the kids enjoyed, including some of the volunteer's children!
We did canvas paintings!
Here's my friend Wendy who lead a yarn cross craft! It was such a fun program to lead and of course I love event planning and helping those less fortunate, so how could I go wrong! :)

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