Monday, October 25, 2010

Green Level Gourd Farm!

For a Mops (Mother of Preschoolers) outing this last week on Tuesday, the 19th, we enjoyed a fun little trip to a very local (5 minutes from our house!) little farm! They had donkeys, rabbits, chickens, goats, a pot bellied pig and lots of playground type entertainment. Gabriel loved this little slide (in the pic above)! You were supposed to take a potato sack to sit on and slide down.

I actually got a great smile, yah!! And right in front of the pumpkins, so I was thoroughly excited! He had to wear his brothers big sweatshirt that day and there was no sense in fighting it, we just rolled up the sleeves! This sweatshirt was actually Julio's when he was a little boy...can you see the Chico State lettering? :)
I think his favorite animals of the bunch were the bunnies! They sure were cute! It was a fun morning. We also got to take a little hay ride and decorate a pumpkin with some stickers.

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