Monday, July 25, 2011

Life Group Service & Fun! - March 18 2011

Above, a pic of Byron and Julio working on a Durham Rescue Mission remodel! In March of this year, our life group (church group that meets for bible study, service in the community and social time) went to the Durham Rescue Mission to work on a project that are church is a part of. The mission purchased a few old, run down homes that are right next to their Women's facility and Crosspointe (our church) agreed to head up a team of volunteers to help remodel these homes so that some families that come to the mission for help can live in them. Most of the photos below are of all the children in our life group who stayed at our house while we went to do the service project. We have had the privilege of having two wonderful high-schoolers to watch our kids while we either meet for bible study or do projects and they took care of them that day. :) They even fit in a little bible study for the kids and a craft too!
The ladies of the group posing like Charlie's Angels! We called ourselves "Stoner's Angels" because the man from our church who is leading this project is named Randy Stoner! :) Yep, we have paint brushes in our hands!

Time to decorate the sidewalk!

This is Andrew, Wendy's youngest. :) Doesn't he have the most beautiful eyes?!!

Miss Ruth, one of our awesome babysitters! :)

This is adorable Bliss! Byron and Rachel's oldest!

This is Isabella, Wendy's beautiful middle child.

The whole group having a snack out front on the sidewalk!

This is Alex! Wendy's oldest son who is almost exactly Ayden's age. :)

They made tissue paper flowers! :)

This is Ashley, who has graciously filled in for either Rachel or Ruth (our regular life group babysitters) from time to time. :)

Little Miss Zoey, Byron and Rachel's youngest and super cute daughter!

The whole gang sitting down to get ready for lunch!

Isabella's silly face! :)

The same from Bliss!

Ditto from Ayden!

And ditto again from Alex! :)

This is Gabriel's attempt at a silly face, I think. He looks more cute to me than silly. :) He managed to dress up in the ninja costume for the indoor portion of the morning! :) The kids had a great time! We were missing the Drotts children that day, but had most of the group! :) We all were so glad we served!

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