Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Duke Gardens - Feb.19, 2011

Laying in the sun after a picnic lunch.

My big 6 year old! Such a cute one, he is!

Brothers standing tall up on a rock!

The blossoms were beginning to bloom! In case I don't have a photo of it, there is a cute little story about Gabriel and the blossoms. We were in the car during the time that all the trees were beginning to blossom around here and to keep that cute little mind occupied, I would point to the blossoms on the trees and tell Gabriel how pretty they were. I learned from a speaker at our Mops group about thanking God for the little things in life and teaching your kids to do this too! So, we would find all the blossoms on the trees and say, "Thank you God for the blossoms!" This lasted as a past time in the car for a good 3 or more weeks! Loved it! :)

Here are Granny and Gabriel out front of the Duke Chapel on campus. It was a beautiful day!
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