Monday, October 19, 2009

18 months!

Gabriel went to the Doctor's for his 18 month check up today about two weeks after the actual day since we didn't want to skip his first art class on the 5th! He went to the last class in the October series today (10.19) and made this pumpkin! At the appointment, I had a bit of a hard time keeping him distracted while they checked his height, weight and all that, but we managed. He was tall and skinny...same as usual and same as Ayden! 50% in weight and 80% in height. He just couldn't wait to get home so that he could do what he'd rather be doing...ride his fire truck! You can barely see it, but he is wearing a Mr. Potato Head sticker that says, "Good Checkup!" He was so excited to find that the doctor's office had this particular sticker since his latest toy obsession is of course the potato head! He is growing up too fast!


Katherine said...

he's a tall one! i have to comment.. i am very proud of you for being so up to date on your blog! haha!!! :) impressive!

Lindsay said...

Growing up soo fast!! Can't believe he's 18 months already :)