Saturday, June 6, 2009

Ayden's First Soccer League!

Ayden started a new soccer league this Spring at the beginning of April. It is called the Futbol Club of Cary (FCC). His ability at just over four years old has really amazed me! I thought the kids on the team would be confused on the direction they were supposed to take the ball and I thought of course there would be bunch ball going on, but they are awesome! They work to get the ball going in the proper direction for each team, they block the goals (there are no goalies in this age group: Under 5) and they work together with their teammates to score goals. I have to admit, when Ayden scored his first goal, I actually cried! :) It must be because I played soccer from the time I was 6 years old until I was 16. It was a big part of my childhood and brought back some great memories. If Ayden continues to be interested in soccer, I'm sure there will be plenty more years of this sport! :)

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Go Ayden!! I love soccer too- can't wait for Garett to play!