Friday, January 23, 2009

The Life of an 8 Month Old...

Gabriel tried his fist finger foods this month. Some favorites were little bites of pear, avocados, black beans, cheerios and bread and then at 9 months he moved on to grapes, bananas, egg, cheese and some ground or lunch meat. I prayed that I would have a less picky eater with Gabriel (Ayden started off as picky as they come!) and it looks like my prayers were answered! He pretty much eats whatever we put in his mouth, but is (at 9.5 months) starting to spit things out with his tongue. Still, way better eater! I love Ayden, but food pickiness drives me crazy!!
The concertration of the pincer grasp!
I love pulling the socks out of the laundry basket!
And my balance is getting better all the time!
I love to play with my big brother Ayden! We even got matching navy blue winter coats in early December in time for all this crazy weather we've been having! They have come in real handy!

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