Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Big Boy Bike!

We have been noticing lately that Ayden's little tricycle has become a little too small! So while the grandparents were here, we took Ayden to go get his first big boy bike! He was a little unsure at first, but pretty soon he got on and tried it out. Since his neighbor friend Erika has a bell on her new tricycle, he managed to ask the sales guy for a bell about 10 times! So, now that about a week has gone by...Ayden has become quite good at riding, turning around and ringing the bell!


Lindsay said...

What a big boy on a big boy bike!! Love the story about the bell...too cute!

Anne said...

We did the same thing with both Liam and Dane recently. We finally got guilt tripped out of letting them ride the broken old courtyard bikes. It's such a right of passage getting your first bike. He sure looks cute riding around on it.