On Friday, April 4th, Pancho and I along with my mom and Ayden who were in the waiting room went to the 41 week OB visit. I was wondering what was going to happen since I was officially one week overdue and very, very tired of being pregnant. By the end of the appointment, I was scheduled for an induction on the following Monday night. Uhhhgggg! I had to wait three more days! I was going to come in for an ultrasound on Monday before the induction to check on the baby again to make sure everything was fine. Before we left, the OB said, "Lets just do the ultrasound right now." The purpose was to check the baby and make sure that his fluid levels were normal. It was a good thing that she decided to do the ultrasound that day because the baby's fluid level was starting to go down, which means that the placenta was starting to lose functioning power since he was overdue. She then said the words that were magic to my ears. "I think we better send you over to the hospital today." So, after going home and getting our things together and having lunch, we drove over to the hospital while my mom, Granny, Papi and Ayden stayed at home and waited. They started me on petosin not long after getting hooked up to the IV in my hospital room. I was happy and not feeling too much pain from the contractions most of the day until later in the evening when I was nearly 4 cm dilated. At this point, the contractions intensified tremendously and I felt like I needed some help. I decided to take a small dose of a drug called Stadol to help take the edge off the pain. This made the rest of the contraction pain actually bearable versus seemingly impossible. I went from 4 cm to 8 cm in about 45 minutes and another half an hour later, I was 10 cm and I was ready to push. Gabriel wanted to come out with his head side ways, which made the birth process a little complicated. Due to this, I suffered some third degree tearing and two episiotimies. At that point, it was "whatever I have to do to get him out!" At 10:08 pm, he finally emerged and thankfully, he just has a little bump to show for his troubles getting out. He was 8lbs, 3 oz. and 21.5 inches long. During the "easy" part of the labor, everyone had come to the hospital to visit and had just left when it started getting more difficult. My mom and Caryl made it back after putting Ayden to bed just 10 minutes after Gabriel was born. It was an incredible day!
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