Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Trip to the NC Zoo!

Two weekends ago, we went to the North Carolina Zoo, the third largest in the country! There were over 5 miles of walking trails and lots to see! This was a cute playground at the zoo that had bugs, vegetables and leaves to climb on! We had trouble dragging Ayden away to go see the animals!

We were lucky to see this Elk up close! They are such huge animals!
Does this photo look familiar? I believe Ayden posed in this same car (different location) two Summers ago when we were staying in Santa Monica and visiting the pier!
We had a great time and got lots of exercise while looking at all the animals. We will have to go back in the Summer when more exhibits are open, but it was a great trip!

1 comment:

Gjovigs said...

I just was looking at your blog.. and of course Elijah was in the background looking too~
He looked up & said "wook et tad Mommy. wook et tad, it's my best friend Ayden". Aren't they precious.. still everynight he prays for his best friend Ayden!
We miss you!